Project Team Maxplus

Contracts and Grants with Industry

Project Team Maxplus

Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Participation à des colloques, séminaires, invitations

  • M. Akian

    • BIRS workshop “Advancing numerical methods for viscosity solutions and applications”, Banff, Canada, February 13-18, 2011. Titre de l'exposé: "Max-plus algebra in the numerical solution of Hamilton-Jacobi and Isaacs equations”.

    • Meeting of the LMS Joint Research Group “Tropical Mathematics and its Applications”, Birmingham, 28 June 2011. Titre de l'exposé: “Max-plus algebra for Hamilton-Jacobi and Isaacs equations”.

    • SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications (CT11), Baltimore, USA, July 25-27, 2011. Titre de l'exposé: “Fixed points and convergence of discrete convex monotone dynamical systems”.

    • Conférence “Dynamical Optimization in PDE and Geometry Applications to Hamilton-Jacobi Ergodic Optimization, Weak KAM”, Bordeaux, 1-12 décembre 2011. Titre de l'exposé: “Fixed points of discrete convex monotone dynamical systems: from ergodic to negative discount stochastic control problems”.

  • X. Allamigeon

    • Congrès SPECIF 2011, Grenoble, France, 3 Février 2011, “Algorithmics of tropical polyhedra, and application to software verification”.

    • Séminaire d'algorithmique du GREYC, Caen, France, 22 Février 2011, “Algorithmic aspects of tropical polyhedra”.

    • Groupe de travail de l'équipe PEQUAN (LIP6), Paris, France, 7 Avril 2011, “Algorithmics of tropical polyhedra, and application to software verification”

    • Optimization seminar, TU Darmstadt, Allemagne, 6 Juin 2011, “Algorithmics of tropical polyhedra, and application to software verification”.

    • 17th Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS), Braunschweig, Allemagne, 23 Août 2011, “Algorithmics of tropical polyhedra, and application to software verification”.

    • Forum des lauréats des prix de l'Académie des Sciences en informatique et en mathématiques appliquées, Paris, France, 16 Novembre 2011, “Algorithmique des polyèdres tropicaux, et application à la vérification de logiciels”.

    • Séminaire de Géométrie Tropicale de l'Institut de mathématiques de Jussieu, Paris, France, 30 Novembre 2011, “Les points extrêmes des polyèdres tropicaux”.

  • S. Detournay

    • 15th Copper Mountain Conference on multigrids methods, Colorado, March 27 - April 1, 2011. Titre de l'exposé: “Multigrid methods for zero-sum two player stochastic games with mean reward”.

    • 10th IMACS International Symposium on Iterative Methods in Scientific Computing , Morocco, May 18-21, 2011. Titre de l'exposé: “Multigrid methods for zero-sum two player stochastic games with mean reward”.

    • Réunion du projet ANR ASOPT, INRIA, Paris, June 2011.

    • Journée des doctorants organisée par l’équipe COMMANDS, École polytechnique, Palaiseau, July 2011.

  • O. Fercoq

    • 10th IMACS International Symposium on Iterative Methods in Scientific Computing, Marrakech, 18 mai 2011, title: “Perron vector Optimization applied to search engines”.

    • 7ème journée Optimeo, Versailles, le 7 juin 2011. Titre de l'exposé: “Optimisation du vecteur de Perron appliquée aux moteurs de recherche”.

    • Participation to the summer school “Topics on Tensors”, University of Coimbra, July 2011.

  • S. Gaubert

    • Visite d'une semaine à l'Université Fudan, Shanghai, Jan 2011.

    • Séminaire à l'ENS Lyon (projet Arénaire), 31 Mars 2011, “Tropical aspects of eigenvalue problems: a survey”.

    • MOPNET 4 meeting, Manchester, 27-28 April, 2011, title “Tropical aspects of eigenvalue problems”.

    • Séminaire EDP et applications à l'Université de Lyon 1, 17 Mai 2011, titre “Aspects tropicaux de la programmation dynamique”.

    • Conference on Matrix Methods in Mathematics and Applications, Moscow, 23-24 June, 2011, title: “A Collatz-Wielandt theorem for nonexpansive mappings in metric spaces of nonpositive curvature” ([49] ).

    • Meeting of the LMS Joint Research Group “Tropical Mathematics and its Applications”, Birmingham, 28 June 2011. Titre de l'exposé: “Non-linear Perron-Frobenius theory and tropical convexity”.

    • Workshop on Tropical Geometry and Integrable Systems, Glasgow, July 4-8, 2011, title: “Tropical convexity applied to control and games and vice versa”.

    • Second Workshop on Computational Issues in Nonlinear Control, Monterey, California, title: “Tropical methods in dynamic programming”

    • Séminaire de Géométrie Tropicale de l'Institut de mathématiques de Jussieu, Paris, France, 23 Novembre 2011, “From tropical convexity to the Denjoy-Wolff theorem via mean-payoff games”.

    • Tropical geometry workshop, Castro-Uriales, December 12-16, 2011. Title: “Tropical methods for optimal control and zero-sum games”.

    • Conférence “Dynamical Optimization in PDE and Geometry Applications to Hamilton-Jacobi Ergodic Optimization, Weak KAM”, Bordeaux, 1-12 décembre 2011. Minilecture (3x1h30), titre: “Tropical methods for ergodic control and zero-sum games”. Program and slides available from the workshop web site .

  • Z. Qu

    • Séjour à l'université Fudan, June-Nov 2011.

    • Summer school of the Sino-French Summer Institute 2011 in Stochastic Modelling and Applications, Institute of Applied Mathematics, AMSS, Beijing, June 2011.

    • Second Workshop on Computational Issues in Nonlinear Control, Monterey, California, title: “Curse of dimensionality reduction in max-plus based approximation methods: theoretical estimates and improved pruning algorithms”.

    • 50th IEEE CDC (Conference on Decision and control), Dec. 2011, to present the work [43] .

  • M. Sharify

    • 17th Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS), Braunschweig, Allemagne, 23 Août 2011, “Scaling of matrix polynomials by means of tropical algebra”.

  • S. Sergeev.

    • Research visits to Birmingham, UK (Peter Butkovič), April and September 2011.

    • Research visit to Madison, Wisconsin, USA (Hans Schneider), August 2011.

    • Tropical Workshops in Manchester (April 2011) and Birmingham (June 2011). In Birmingham, talk on “Tropical linear programming”.

    • Research visits to Prague and Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic (Martin Gavalec and Karel Zimmermann), June 2011. Two talks given at the summer school INKOV in Hradec Kralove (Inter-disciplinary approaches in informatics and cognitive science), on “Tropical linear programming” and “Tropical two-sided eigenproblem”.

    • Conference in Moscow, "3rd Inrternational Conference on Matrix Methods in Mathematics and Applications", June 2011. Talk on “Powers and orbit of matrices in max algebra”.

    • Conference in Glasgow "Tropical geometry and integrable systems", July 2011. Talk on “Tropical two-sided systems”.

    • SIAM Control Conference in Baltimore (USA), July 2011. Talk on “Tropical linear programming”.

    • ILAS conference in Braunschweig, Germany, August 2011. Talk on “Fiedler-Ptak scaling in max algebra”.

    • Research visit to St.-Petersburg, Russia (N. K. Krivulin and I. V. Romanovskiĭ). Talk on “Tropical linear programming”.

  • C. Walsh

    • Séminaire Gaston Darboux, Institut de Mathematiques et de Modelisation de Montpellier, Université Montpellier 2, 14 Jan 2011. Titre de l'exposé: “The horofunction boundary of Thurston's metric on Teichmüller space”.

    • School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of Kent, 14 June 2011 Titre de l'exposé: “The horofunction boundary of some finitely-generated groups”.

    • Guest received: Weixu Su Department of Mathematics, Fudan University, Shanghai, China and Université de Strasbourg and CNRS. 27–29 July.